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User guide

Just QR-Bill it
X min read


It is best to use the App in Chrome or Safari web browsers.


  • QR-Slips
    where you will produce and keep your QR-Bill Slips
  • Clients
    where you manage the contact details of your clients
  • Company
    where you validate your Company data (IBAN or QR-IBAN) and generate the "empty" QR-Bill Slips
  • Configuration
    where your credentials are saved (this table is automatically configured and linked to your active subscription)


Pin the View
select views animation
Each table is pre-configured with a certain number of views to help your workflow.The views are located at the top left corner, just below the line that contains the tables.
how to pin a view animation
We recommend that you pin the views. To do that, click on one view and click on the pin. Your view menu will stay visible on the left side of your table.

For example, the table QR-Slips has four views: NEW, QR-Slips by Client, QR-Slips by Status, Default View.

Use the NEW view to create new QR-Slips

Use the QR-Slips by Client view to see all the QR-Slips related to each of your clients

Use the QR-Slips by Status view to see all the QR-Slips by Status (Due or Paid)

For each table, you will have the default View, this view contains all the data unsorted, and you don't need to access that view in your workflow.

Customise a view

Your product is flexible; if you want to customise a view, we recommend that you create a new view and customise it. You can also create folders to manage your views.

1. Company table setup

  • Logo
    We have attached a template png for your reference; please upload your logo in the same size, with transparent background
  • Address
    Please enter the building number after the Street, like this:
    Lake Street 17 (not 17 Lake Street)
  • IBAN
    Either use your corporate IBAN or the QR-IBAN. Enter your IBAN or QR-IBAN number without spacing like this CH3330000777700007777 the system will automatically check the kind of IBAN you are using and adapt the QR-Bill type accordingly (QRR or SCOR Type)
  • UID
    Enter your Swiss UID number as it is required. Use the following format"123456789" (9 numbers accolated). Your VAT number will be generated according to the Main language you select in the "Company" table.
  • isVAT (checkbox)
    Show (checked) or hide (unchecked) your VAT number in the letterhead of your documents

Validate button

after entering all the above information, please click on the button "Validate".

validate the company animation
If all is OK, it will generate your "Empty QR-Bill Slip" in the four languages.Open, print, send or download them for the Documents column.

2. Clients table setup

  • Address
    Please enter the building number after the Street, like this:
    Lake Street 17 (not 17 Lake Street)
  • Language
    Pick "EN", "DE", "FR", or "IT" to generate the QR-Bill in the language of your client!
    The language option is associated with your client.Smart, no? Your client will receive your documents in his local language.

Importing client's data

Importing your client's data into the table is easy. Use the excel template you received from us by email to copy your client's contact details.

import excel data in clients table animation
Once you have prepared the file, use the table "Clients" context menu to import your data.

3. QR-Slips table

  • Produce your QR-Bill payment slips
    Go to the QR-Slips table and select the "NEW" view.

create a new QR-Slip animation
This view should be empty if you have not created any QR-Bill SlipsClick on the "+" sign in the first column of the table: it will add a new line.Please close the "row detail" window that will pop up as it will be easier to fill in the data from the grid.
fill data for new qr-slip animation
Fill in all the Orange cells: double click in the Clients cell to select the debtor's address, enter the amount of the bill in Amount and enter other important information in the "AdditionalInfo" cell.When you fill the field, the colour changes from orange to light grey. Now click on the button "QR-Slip" to create the QR-Bill Slip. You will see the message "Swiss QR Slip created" and a PDF document is created and saved in the Document column.
AdditionalInfo field

You can enter as many as four lines. You can even set a default value; this field would be pre-filled with the different reference titles used for your bills.

As you can see, the document has been created in the language associated with your client data. If you want to change the language, change the language in the Clients table.

Verified feature

Just click on the pdf icon to open the document. Open, print, send or download it. Once verified, you can click on the "Verified" check box, and your QR-Bill Slip document will be archived and moved from the "NEW" view to the other views.

verify document animation
When you check "Verified", it will also add the "Due" Status to your in a Status column. You can use that feature in your work process:use the view "QR-Slips by Status" to see all the QR-Bill slips that are due and change their status to "Paid" when your client has paid (you can also add the date of payment to the record).

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